******************************** *----------- COPDOX -----------* *THE POLICE TAKE OUR CHILDREN * *OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS, TAKE THEM * *TO PRISON, AND TURN THEM INTO * *A NATION OF DEPRESSED, * *LIFE-LONG CORPORATE SLAVES. * ******************************** # DISARM THE POLICE The police in the United States use violent coercion, organized crime, and murder as tools of their trade. The police demonstrate no accountability, and state and federal legal systems have failed to stop them. The courts collude with law enforcement, private individuals, and businesses to sustain personal incomes for all involved. The only possible way to counter this epidemic of criminals masquerading as peace officers and judges is to reveal their faces.
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Corporate profits drive prison policy and police culture. As civil and public servants, police and judges may be publicly scrutinized. COPDOX removes the corporate mask from law enforcement and their public support systems. It legally provides accountability for law enforcement by providing a secure and safe way of sharing information describing individual public law- enforcement employees and their actions. COPDOX gives private citizens the ability to regulate public officials by using information that cannot be silenced or removed. ************************ * STAND-BY FOR DETAILS * ************************